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Hey I'm Dana!

I am so glad you have stumbled upon my little piece of the world! I am an Arizona girl raised by New York Italians (and all that implies)! The home I grew up in was usually loud, quite a bit chaotic and ALWAYS filled with an abundance of love and cherished memories. Growing up my parents made the most simple of moments magical. I have carried that deep appreciation for all things warm, nostalgic and beautiful into adulthood and let it run wild in my passion for photography. Our lives are made up of thousands of tiny moments and as a storytelling photographer I crave to capture the deep connections between loved ones. To aide in forever holding tight to all that is loved so dear to tell YOUR story. I am again and again in awe of the beauty in humanity and the way our souls sing to one another. I am honored to be a collector of precious moments, frozen in time. I am first and foremost a wife and mama to my people; my husband Teague and our three sweet kiddos, Deklan, Rowan and Irelyn. Being the mama of their tribe is my greatest blessing and my truest honor. I can blissfully say I married my high school sweetheart, we made our own army of tiny, wonderfully hilarious people and I am currently living out my "happily ever after".


Hi Friend!
About Me

My Happy Thoughts
Long walks though Target
All things Disney
"The Cobb" at Salad and Go
Monsoon Season
Singing along to 90's boy bands in the car
Jesus, my family and friends
Binge watching "Friends"
Cheesy "young adult fantasy" novels
Cats. Allll the cats.


What does "Pictiu'r" mean?
The word, Pictiúr stems from the oldest of Irish languages, Gaelic. It is from the Latin origin of pictura meaning "the act of painting". Pictiúr Photography is centered around, and founded upon the importance of life, love and the family. When my husband and I embarked upon this journey as professional photographers, we chose the name based largely on our Irish heritage, with the hope of "painting " the perfect picture of the connection between your loved ones through the art of our photography. We relish the opportunities we are greeted with to produce magical, long-lasting images with our clients, their families and loved ones.

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